Did you build a website and no one came? Did you have grand hopes of internet fame, only to find creating and promoting your website or blog was much more challenging than you ever imagined?
If your website (or blog) isn’t bringing in visitors like it should, grab a cup of coffee and watch my WordCamp Grand Rapids presentation. In this educational session I walk through the ten top changes you can make to your WordPress website to begin driving traffic and converting visitors.
In the presentation I encourage the audience to focus on “some” items and not all of the items. Identify weakness within your website or blog and target those for correction. Pick low hanging fruit to get yourself going and to help drive change. Once those are done, dig deeper.
Watch the Presentation on WordPress.tv
Download the Presentation Slides on SlideShare
Remember that hope is not a strategy for successfully driving website traffic and internet leads or sales. True success requires a structured plan and adherence to best practices. It requires some self education and/or a professional design agency to get you and your website moving in the right direction.
On the internet anything is possible. I truly believe this and it has been a foundation of each and every part of my work life for well over a decade.
Set hope aside and make a plan. It is truly then that you will see the fruits of your labor grow and you’ll find the success you seek.
Rebecca, yours was my favorite talk at WordCamp Grand Rapids. I really liked how you gave specific advice for making a website a more effective business tool. I thought your talk was so valuable that I summarized it at our WordCamp recap meetup in September.
Thanks for the kind words Chad. Appreciate you stopping by and sharing the link to your article.
WordCamps can be great assets to WordPress users. WordCamp Grand Rapids was a great conference and I look forward to coming again next year.
I just flipped through your slides… Thanks for the refresher!
Some great actionable content in that video Rebecca. As someone who uses wordpress I would say every point in that video is spot on and like George said, thanks for the refresher!
Thanks for the video and slides Rebecca. I build websites for local business owners, and the hardest thing I have had to do is to convince them that a website is an ongoing commitment. Hope is good, but it doesn’t feed the bulldog.