If you’re new to this website, you might be surprised to discover I’m a huge fan, advocate, and all around cheerleader for the Genesis Framework. If you’ve been here before, I’m pretty sure you already know this about me. I’m a pretty transparent type of girl.
I tried out the original beta of Genesis and liked it. When the child theme concept took off I fell in love with it. Apparently I’m not alone. There are lots and lots of well-known Genesis users.
Notable Genesis Framework Users
I dig some digging around and I found a number of famous people or organizations running Genesis. Since my team only worked on three of these websites, you know I had to do a bit of digging to find the rest. I’m sure there are more, but I thought it would be fun to present the list of users I’ve found thus far.
My list includes some sites you’ve heard of, some sites you should really know, and well one that is just plain funny.
Some of these are customized stock themes and some are PSD to Genesis builds. The interesting thing is that these range from very known media channels, political websites, and universities to well respected internet marketing and WordPress professionals.
So far I’ve added the following to my list of Genesis users:
Why Do These Websites Use Genesis?
- Clean and semantic code
- Built-in SEO options that play nicely with top SEO plugins
- Great widget and layout options
- Highly secure foundation
- Backwards compatible, one click updates
- Regular framework upgrades that are always full of great new features
- HTML5 ready
- Microdata
- Mobile responsive
- Really good support provided by a reputable and solid team
- A wide and diverse set of Genesis themes from StudioPress and other Genesis developers (like us)
- High quality plugins by the Genesis community
If you at all doubt some of my reasons above, take a moment and visit the websites of Matt Cutts, Yoast, Rae Hoffman, and Sucuri. The first three will clearly validate the SEO value and the last should set your mind at ease when it comes to security.
Once a Genesis User, Always a Genesis User
I’ll be honest – I don’t know of one person who switched to Genesis only to later leave it. Why? Because it is a rock solid foundation and it is considered the best framework on the market.
Over 96,000 websites owners have bought and used StudioPress themes. Mashable calls it the “best of the best”. We’ve used in on our website here for years and my performance has been nothing but stellar.
Who’s Missing?
If you know of other notable Genesis Framework users drop us a comment below. This can include your website, one you’ve designed, or one you’ve heard of on a random blog post or water cooler chat. I’d love to know about them and I’m sure our readers would too.
Thanks for including UCA.edu in your list. We couldn’t have made the switch from our previous CMS to WordPress w/o the Genesis framework. The community support has been amazing as well.
Once again, thanks for mentioning us.
Us! *wink*wink* At Bourn Creative we provide one-off, custom Genesis child themes 🙂 You can view our portfolio at http://www.bourncreative.com/portfolio
Thanks for including us (uca.edu) in your list. We currently have almost 200 sites in our WP install, and they are all using Genesis. Great framework, with great community support.
Totally agree. It is why I love it so.
Rachel Mcadams I’m not sure I spelled that right but she is a actor and Josh can’t remember last name
built a site for her and a team. A sort of green earth blog if I remember right.. anyway I know of more I learned of over the years but my brain is fried by IOS development..
Hello Rebecca, what a great list of users that tells me that Genesis framework is the right move to make. I have been using it for sometime now and so glad I made that choice. Thanks so much for sharing your list… Have a great day
Rob I’m a strong believer in the theory of once you go Genesis, you never turn back!
Hello Rebecca, I know what you mean. I have my blog setup using StudioPress and the Genesis framework and just love what you can do with the themes and customizing them.
I’m currently launching a new website solely for developing WordPress and the Genesis framework websites and I’m looking forward to working with both StudioPress and Genesis.
I’ve been on your website a few times and love what you’ve done and far as content and designs, GREAT work and I hope to be a part of your community.
Have a wonderful day. RobG