Does your consulting practice need some change management? James, a consulting website template for WordPress, is here to help drive some ROI back to your marketing budget.
James is our latest stock WordPress theme that is available for purchase in our online theme store. James is a Genesis child theme designed for B2B and B2C consulting companies.
Template Features and Highlights
- Text or image based logo
- Easy to use menus
- Hero image
- Call to action options on the home page and interior pages
- Integrated blog
- Social media integration
- Testimonials via custom post types
- Google map display
- Mobile responsiveness
- HTML5 coding
- Schema support
Grab a Copy of the New Consulting Website Template
If you are considering using James to update your consulting company’s website, you can learn more about our theme by visiting the online demo or product page:
Visit the James demo site ->
Purchase the James theme ->
If you’ve purchased our Developer Pro Pack, James is already waiting in your account and is ready for download.
The Reason We Built James
When we released our last stock theme, I had received some Google+ comments from Sheryl Coe and Hayward Suggs. While they liked our Kathleen theme, they requested that we create and release a theme similar to the design of Web Savvy Marketing’s website. At first my answer was going to be no, but then I thought about it and I quickly changed my mind.
Sheryl Coe has been a loyal Web Savvy customer and has actively promoted our brand and products online. Every time I’ve seen a post or comment from her, I’ve been incredibly thankful for her support. And because I like Sheryl as much as I do, I had to seriously consider her request.
Specifically Sheryl mentioned the following when looking at the WSM site:
Overall the thing I like about the homepage is “More message, less menu” so it’s very attractive and inviting but not superficial the way some one-pagers are. Very smooth.
It sounds easy enough right? Well it is and it isn’t. Our own website has a lot of “stuff” going on with custom post types and styling for major plugins. Before launching our new James theme, we needed to remove out all that extra coding so the theme was light and not overwhelming for the average buyer. And that is exactly what we did.
Why the Iceberg Images?
At the 2016 PressNomics conference my good friend Cory Miller was the keynote speaker and his talk was about personal icebergs. We all have icebergs in our lives and they include positive above water items and negative below water items.
We share our above water items on Facebook, at meetings, and anywhere else where we want the world to think we are perfect. We save our below water items for ourselves, we hide them deep within where no one can see them, and before we realize it they are festering into nastiness that brings us down in many ways.
Everyone has personal struggles and/or demons they fight throughout life. Bringing those negative iceberg items/moments to the surface, acknowledging them, and addressing them is key to strong mental health.
Cory showed us his below water moments at PressNomics and even though Cory and I are friends, I found many of them to be a surprise. While listening to Cory speak, I quietly pledged to make subtle checkins with my friend and check on his iceberg moments.
After the presentation many of us discussed our iceberg items openly. It helped us all be a bit more real with each other and be a little more concerned with the multiple layers we humans possess.
Learn more about the icebergs of life by reading Cory’s blog post on the subject.
Who is the Real James?
James, or Jamie to me, is my little cousin. He was my closest cousin in age and someone I spent many hours with as a child. Heck for a while, I even lived with him and his family.

This is me and Jamie as children.
Sadly, the real James struggled with his below the surface iceberg items. I wasn’t aware of it, because we grew up and both moved away after high school and college. It wasn’t until I returned home for his funeral that I realized his iceberg moments were deep and so much so that he couldn’t quite keep his head above water.
Jamie was very intelligent, super good hearted, and just an overall wonderful person. While I’m sure we fought as kids, I honestly don’t remember it. I have fond memories of us swimming at my Grandmother’s cottage, playing Monopoly for hours at a time, or wrangling in the neighbor kids for late night hide and seek.
One of my greatest regrets in life is that I didn’t get to meet the adult him and get to know the grown up version of my childhood friend. As a child Jamie was awesome, I know adult Jamie had to be even better.
My James left us way before his time and he is a reminder to reach out to those around you. Investigate their layers and discuss their below the water items that trouble them. Don’t wait like I did. If you do, you might not have the opportunity to connect and help stop a sinking iceberg.
I believe this is my favorite yet! The only problem will be to decide which site gets this first! Thank you!
Very nice! My son’s name is James so I’m loving this theme already. What a wonderful story you shared about your James. It is such a tragedy when we lose a loved one before their time. Thank you for sharing. This might be my favorite theme from Web savvy :).