Unless you live in a cave and sell your products and services to other cave dwellers, you need a website. As my friend once said, “I have to have a website because everyone else has one.” He is right. While he may not be the most technology focused person I know, he is a small business owner and he sells products and services to every day people. Since most of his B2C (business to consumer) prospects use the Internet to research their future purchases, the company must have a website for prospective customers to review information about his company and product offering.
If you are a small business, how grand does the website need to be? In actuality, the average small business does not need an overly elaborate website. For businesses that do not sell their actual products via the Internet, like home builders, dentists, or accountants, a good website needs to provide enough information to obtain a phone call or a in personal visit. The website needs to make the visitor feel comfortable and drive further interest. It needs to convert the website visitor to a lead. This could be done in five pages or twenty. It depends on the nature of the business and the product.
The important task is to develop something. Additional pages or content can be added as needed.
Web Savvy Marketing
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