If you think technology companies don’t understand the needs of website design for manufacturing companies, you haven’t met our team. We’re in the heart of the midwest and the automotive industry. We not only understand manufacturing and your target market, a few of us have spent many hours working in and selling to tier one manufacturers and their suppliers.
If you’d like to talk prototyping, bill of materials, production scheduling, PPAP, or even value stream mapping we can do that. But we’d much rather talk about your sales and marketing efforts, discuss your goals and objectives, and hear about the challenges you face with internet marketing. Once we do that, we can work with you to create a website that can solve these problems and more importantly, will speak to your target demographic.
Our clients include manufacturers of industrial automation assemblies, dynamometers, and even software to monitor the production line. We understand that you might be selling to the end consumer, but you can also be presenting information to a buyer, engineer, plant manager, or IT manager.
We want to help articulate your value proposition and make sure the website design we create speaks to your target market. We’ll also optimize it for SEO and make sure you future customers discover you at every point in the customer journey.
WordPress makes a great option for website design for manufacturing companies. The content management system allows you to effortlessly present information on your company, product offering, partners or customers, and highlight resources like product specifications, data sheets, and white papers. Need to protect that content for registered users? WordPress can do that too.
Ready to update your manufacturing website with a fresh new custom design in WordPress? Great! We’re here to help! Just visit our contact page and let us know how we can help.
Web Savvy Marketing
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